Question: Describe your goal setting process.
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- Give me an example of how you set goals and achieve them.
- Explain to me your goal setting process. How do you do then go about achieving these goals?
- How do you set goals?
Follow-up questions:
- How do you track your progress?
Question Details:
Question Type:
Other Factors:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
The candidate’s organization skills.
The candidate’s aspirations and motivation.
The candidate’s logical thinking.
Red Flags to Watch For:
The candidate’s poor organization skills.
The candidate’s lack of aspirations and motivation.
Sample Answer:
My goals are based on priorities. Whenever I set goals, I always make sure that everything is aligned – resources, timing, and other factors. Then I set my long term and short term goals. I track my progress based on reasonable timelines.
Question Source: