Question: How can you tell if the light inside your refrigerator is on or not?
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- How do you determine if the light in a refrigerator works with its door closed?
Follow-up questions:
- How would your method work?
Question Details:
Question Type:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
You are looking for either the logic to solve the puzzle, or creativity to think of innovative answers.
Warning: This question has been overused or become popular enough that a large number of people know the answer to the question without having to work out the answer on their own. Therefore, caution is advised against using this question as it may not be able to measure what it was originally intended to measure.
Red Flags to Watch For:
A red flag is if the interviewee gives up and does not attempt to figure out an answer and simply says ‘I don’t know’.
Sample Answer:
While the door is open, depress the “light” button/sensor. If the light goes off then it is working. The door should depress the button, and turn off the light.
Question Source: