Question: Describe a time when you were advocating for a change of work process or work environment of your team, but your team members were hesitant or cautious of this change. What did you do?
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- Describe a time when you wanted some change in the working style of the team, but others were reluctant to do so. How did you go about it?
Follow-up questions:
- Do you think this is the best approach to change resistance? Please explain why.
Question Details:
Question Type:
Other Factors:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Context (Person-Job/Team/Org Fit):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
The candidate’s ability to deal with difficult situations.
The candidate’s ability to persuade others.
The candidate’s maturity and professionalism to handle resistance and conflicts.
Red Flags to Watch For:
The candidate’s immaturity and unprofessionalism when dealing with conflicts.
The candidate’s lack of persuasion and influencing skills.
Sample Answer:
When I was new to the department, I introduced a new electronic form that we now use to save time. At first, my team mates insisted on using the old manual form but when they realized how efficient it was when I showed them the process, I was able to persuade them to embrace the change. Sometimes we fear what we don’t know. It’s a matter of informing and getting informed.
Question Source: