> Imagine this scenario: You are working towards an urgent deadline when your manager asks you to also work on another equally important project. How do you prioritize your work?
> Imagine this scenario: You are a manager of a team of six. Quite suddenly, two of your team members have resigned for personal reasons. At the same time, the deadline for a major team project is coming up in two months time. What do you do?
> Describe a time when you had to work on tasks outside your regular scope due to sudden and unforeseen circumstances. What happened and what did you do?
> Tell me about your sales closing ratios. How many prospects do you typically see before closing a sale?
> Describe a time when you had to give guidance to a difficult team member. How did the communication go and how did they react?
> Imagine this scenario: Your manager has assigned you several time-sensitive projects. What would you do if you realized you would be unable to complete all the work on time?
> Describe three things you have either improved about yourself, or helped your organization improve, in the past year.