Question: Describe a major mistake you made in the past and what you did to rectify it.
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- Tell me about a major mistake you made, and what you did to correct it.
Follow-up questions:
- What did you learn from that experience?
Question Details:
Question Type:
Other Factors:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
The candidate’s mental flexibility when it comes to correcting a mistake.
The candidate’s logical thinking.
Red Flags to Watch For:
Answers that reveal illogical thinking and inability to think creatively in correcting mistakes.
Sample Answer:
When I was working as an analyst, there was an error in the data I gathered for business intelligence. Good thing I spotted it before I made my reports and I was able to correct it immediately.
Question Source: