Question: Imagine this scenario: We offer you this job. You start working here and then realize that you and I, as your manager, do not get along. What do you do?
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- What would you do if we offered you the job, and once you started, you and I didn’t get on?
Follow-up questions:
- N/A
Question Details:
Question Type:
Other Factors:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
The candidate’s professionalism in handling challenging situations.
The candidate’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Red Flags to Watch For:
The candidate’s lack of professionalism in dealing with challenging situations.
Answers that reveal poor critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Sample Answer:
If ever I get hired and realized that I don’t get along with you or anyone in the team, I will do my best to find out why. Once that’s sorted out, I will be professional in performing according to expectations.
Question Source: