Question: What superpower do you wish you had?
Alternative Question Phrasing:
- N/A
Follow-up questions:
- N/A
Question Details:
Question Type:
Work Activity (Task):
Work Style (Person-Job Fit):
What to look for in an answer:
You are looking for what quality the candidate identifies as their biggest personal asset.
If the candidate focusses upon the impact they could have on the organization.
If the candidate could link the advantages of this superpower with your company.
If the candidate is able to provide an example of how they had used this quality in the past to address a problem.
You are looking for the candidate’s ability to think quickly and critically.
Red Flags to Watch For:
If the candidate confuses the question with a superhero and answers like they want to be a bird, plane etc,.
If the candidate speaks about their strengths too much as sounds like boastful fantasist.
Sample Answer:
Question Source: