> Describe a work system or process change that you initiated in the past. What worked and what did not work so well, and would you do any of them differently now?
> Describe a time when you did not give in to a customer’s insistence that you bend the rules just for them. What happened and how did you put up with the customer?
> Have you ever been passed over for a promotion for which you felt you were most qualified for? What did you do about it?
> Describe a time when you made an unpopular decision that affected other people. Why did you have to make the decision and how did you handle the reactions resulting from it?
> Describe a time when you discovered a more efficient or effective way of completing your work, and you implemented it to better improve the overall work flow.
> Imagine this scenario: You are working on a project for a client. You are about 50% done when the client informs you of major changes in the project. These changes most likely mean that your previous progress on the project would go to waste. What would you do at this point?