> In your opinion and experience, do you think there is anything that our company can improve in, and how can we improve?
> Describe a time when you had to help a subordinate solve a problem or meet an objective. What did you do and what was the outcome?
> If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by your volume of work, what coping strategies do you use to get yourself back on track?
> Describe a time when you convinced a manager or company senior to make a change in a work process for the benefit of the organization. How did you convince them?
> Describe a time when one of your subordinate had a performance or disciplinary problem. How did you handle it?
> Describe the biggest risk you have taken professionally or personally. How did you evaluate the risk and come to your decision?
> Tell me about a time when you faced great opposition stopping you from completing your project or work. How did you overcome it?
> Describe a time when you were looking through an assignment and found an error that was overlooked by others.
> Have you ever come to the conclusion that you are just not the right person for a task assigned to you?