> When implementing workplace changes, what is your approach to dealing with the phrase “that’s how things are done around here”?
> In your experience, do you think it is helpful to be able to quickly and accurately assess another person’s character?
> Imagine this scenario: You realize your manager has made a big mistake on an important project. It is now midway through the project’s timeline. What would you do?
> What is your approach to dealing with upset customers who are unhappy with your product or service?
> If you were assigned to do something illegal, immoral or against your principles, what would you do?
> Imagine this scenario: You and your team are in a project meeting. One of your team members keeps disagreeing with on ideas and suggestions for the project. It is getting to the point where the meeting is becoming unproductive. From experience, you know that this team member has a habit of disagreeing with ideas outright. What do you do?