> Imagine this scenario: You are working on a case when an unexpected difficulty in the case suddenly prevents you from completing your work. What would you feel about it and what would you do about it?
> After interviewing with us and hearing about the role, do you still want this job or do you have any concerns?
> Describe a time when you missed a deadline. What was the situation and what did you do when you realized you missed it?
> Describe a time when you listened to instructions or advice from someone and things turned out better for you because of it.
> Would you prefer annual formal performance reviews or weekly informal meetings about your performance?
> Give me an example of a time where you have had to use your fact finding skills to solve a problem.
> Imagine this scenario: A customer felt like they received bad service from another sales person. Now, the customer is saying that they do not want to do business with your company. You had not dealt with this customer previously. You are not the cause of the bad service, but now you are tasked with trying to win the customer back. How would you do this?