> Have you heard about our organization ever before seeing this job advertised? What was your impression of us then and now?
> Describe a time when your idea helped your organization improve. What was the idea and how did you implement it?
> From your experience or opinion, what work tasks and assignments would you be glad to work on daily?
> Describe a time where, despite your best efforts in building a working relationship with someone, there was still friction between you and them. What happened and what did you learn?
> Describe a time when you managed to improve the performance of a team. What were the issues and how did you handle them?
> Imagine this scenario: You are working towards an urgent deadline when your manager asks you to also work on another equally important project. How do you prioritize your work?
> Describe a time when you had to work on tasks outside your regular scope due to sudden and unforeseen circumstances. What happened and what did you do?
> Imagine this scenario: You are working as part of a small team. Your team encounters a problem on a team project. You and your team members have differing ideas on how to approach the problem. How would you handle the situation?