> In your experience, what is the best way to communicate to an employee that they are underperforming at work?
> Describe a time when you encountered a technical issue and your usual way of resolving it did not work. What did you do to resolve it?
> Describe a time when you predicted a problem would occur with your work, but successfully prevented the problem from happening. How did you predict the issue and what did you do?
> Imagine this scenario: You are in negotiations with a client. Someone at the table has said something that has inadvertently compromised your credibility. Their statement is partially true, and can be traced back to you, but the statement is also partially misinformation. What do you do?
> Describe a time when you had to raise an uncomfortable issue with your manager. How did you communicate the issue and deal with their reaction?
> Describe a time when you had to lead a crucial meeting. How did you get ready for it and how did it go?